Cardiopulmonary services
Many people take for granted their next heartbeat, or their next breath. Yet for millions of Americans, heart and lung disease challenges these core body functions. In fact, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States; lung disease is number three. At Asante Cardiopulmonary Services, we diagnose the cause of heart and lung trouble and point you on the road to repair.
Get care
If you have concerns about your heart or lung health, talk with your doctor about our diagnostic services.
For information on how to get a referral, call us:
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
(541) 789-5049
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center
(541) 472-7139
Medical team
Our cardiopulmonary care team includes nurses, technicians and respiratory therapists with advanced training in heart and lung care. We also team up with electroneurodiagnostic specialists to provide neurological testing and monitoring. We work closely with your doctor to communicate the details of your health and diagnosis. Our experts focus on educating you and your family on what to expect during and after testing, including the community resources available to help you cope with your condition.
More information
Asante Cardiopulmonary Services features state-of-the-art technology for testing the body's heart and lung functions. From spirometry and oxygen diffusion testing to electrocardiography such as stress tests and holter monitors and other electro-neurodiagnostic tests, we have a wide range of options to pinpoint your trouble.